Saturday, December 19, 2009


Influenced by Politics

Judge Sheri Polster Chappell was an ACTIVE member of the Republican "Good Old Boy Clique" in Charlotte County Florida. The crooks that run the county. She was the Republican State Attorney.

Republican Governor Bush appointed her to be a State Judge in Fort Myers. There as a State Judge she asked Attorneys that came before her to donate to her re-election.

Her Republican Political "Connections" landed her the post as United States Magistrate in the U.S. District Court at Fort Myers, where she uses 9or more correct "mis-uses") her authority as a Federal Judge to pay back the Republican Party in her decisions.

Florida has the most corrupt Republican School System on earth, full of perverts, and "friends", and family members. If you have a good school job as an administrator you knew someone, or you are related to someone. Several lawsuits against the corrupt school system has been before Magistrate Chappell.

She allows Republican School Officials to harass Federal Witnesses in school lawsuits. She encourages school officials to use Trespass Warnings, and banning parents that sue off all school property, as a legal "tactic" to force the parents to drop their lawsuits.

In a school lawsuit from Naples she let the school harass the parents to no end and ban them from the school to pick up their child with a Trespass Warning, when the parents had done no wrong.

In a school lawsuit from Charlotte County she let the school trespass BOTH parents, for no lawful reason, and harass one parent, who is a disabled Veteran, AT HIS OWN HOME, till the parent had a heart attack and almost died.

Judge Chappell bans the disabled from her Court in direct violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and she has an extreme hate for America's Disabled Veterans, as evidenced by the way she let school officials go to a disabled Veterans House to attempt to cause his death because he refused to drop his lawsuit against the school system.

Judge Chappell belongs in jail instead of behind the bench.


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